Minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites and skin infections can be treated
topically with the Ciderm SP products. With major wounds, cuts and injuries
it is best to seek veterinary assistance.
CidermSP products can be used on post surgical wounds once your pet is
discharged from the hospital to prevent the sutured wound from becoming
How to treat.
It is advised to wear latex gloves when touching any wound area and use
clean washed instruments. The affected area should be cleaned and any
matted hair clipped away with scissors. A gauze pad or cotton balls can be
used to clean the area with soap and water or Ciderm SP spray.
Once clean apply Ciderm SP Spray or Ciderm wound gel to the area. Leave
open to dry and try to avoid the animal licking the area. Bandaging is
usually not advised as this will usually annoy the pet and they will try to
remove it.
How Often to use
Initially treat 3 to 4 times per day for the first few days. The
antiseptic's effect is immediate. Once healing has progressed you can reduce
the frequency till fully healed.
What to expect.
Most minor wounds will clear up within a week. If the affected area gets
larger, or shows no response to the treatment with Ciderm SP the condition
is not associated with any infection and should be evaluated by a
Veterinarian. Make sure the CidermSP is within the use by date.
Pre and Post CidermSP treatment of
a small cut on the lower lip of a dog
Pre and Post Treatment with
CidermSP Spray on leg of a horse
Localized Inflammation in the skin of a
long haired cat due to flea bites. Treated with Ciderm SP Max Gel.