Welcome to the Pet Health Care Products. We provide information on the use of select antimicrobial products that will assist you in maintaining your pet's health. These products are based on the universal antiseptic properties of Chlorine Dioxide, using the Dioxicare(R) system*. You can order products directly from this site. All products recommended have been extensively used by Veterinarians throughout the country and abroad and have been found to be safe and reliable. We recommend that if any disease condition persists or worsens when using these products to check with your veterinarian as a problem may exist that requires more specific diagnostic testing and treatment.
Robert J. Wilkins BVSc,DVP,DACVP.
Products include
Ciderm(R) SP Topical Antiseptic Solution : A topical solution with DioxicareŽ used to manage skin infections and wounds. "The First Aid Kit in a Bottle"
Earigant(R) SP Otic Cleanser Antiseptic Solution: Ear Cleaner with Dioxicare(R) to clean, treat and sterilize the ear canal.
Cident(R) Toothpaste: A 2 part toothpaste with DioxiCare(R) used for brushing the teeth and cleansing the mouth of the germs that cause bad breath.
Ciderm(R) SP Antiseptic Wound Gel A topical antiseptic gel with DioxicareŽ used for direct application to skin infections and wounds. Contains the same concentration of Chlorine Dioxide complex as the Topical Antiseptic Solution.
Ciderm(R) SP Max Dermal Gel is a concentrated formulation of Chlorine Dioxide complex in a gel form for use on unbroken skin lesions. For the topical management of bacterial, fungal or yeast infection of the skin, paw or hoof.
*The Dioxicare System (Chlorine Dioxide Complex) How it works